How to Install and Setup WP Auto SEO

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In the competitive online landscape, search engine optimization is crucial for improving your website’s visibility and attracting organic traffic. WP Auto SEO is a powerful feature that integrates with your existing SEO plugin, offering capabilities to auto-generate Meta Titles, Meta Descriptions, Tags, and Focus Keywords for your content. By automating these optimization tasks, WP Auto SEO aims to assist you in achieving better search engine rankings.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of using WP Auto SEO to maximize your website’s SEO potential.

Step 1: Installation and Activation

  • You can get the WP Auto SEO plugin in My Accounts of WP Auto SEO.

  • Download the .zip and install.

  • Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard,

  • Then select “Plugins,” click on “Add New,”

  • Upload the Zip “WP Auto SEO,” and hit “Install Now.”

Once installed, activate the plugin to get started.

Step 2: Plugin Configuration

Before configuring WP Auto SEO, it is necessary to have an SEO plugin such as Yoast, Rankmath, or All In One SEO installed on your WordPress instance. The WP Auto SEO dashboard provides statistics on the number of Posts, Pages, or Products present in your instance and how many of them have been configured using WP Auto SEO. This information can help you keep track of the optimization progress and identify any areas that may need attention.

  • Navigate to the “WP Auto SEO” settings page.

  • From there, you can enable the “Enable Auto SEO” feature by checking the corresponding option.

  • Additionally, you will find a dropdown menu labeled “Choose Installed SEO Plugin,” where you can select the SEO plugin you have installed, such as Yoast, Rankmath, or All In One SEO.

Furthermore, you have the flexibility to choose which post types you want to optimize, including posts, pages, products, or all of them. This selection can be made in the “Choose Post Type” list box, allowing you to tailor the optimization process according to your specific needs.

Based on the selection of Post Type, you can select the individual fields, such as Meta Title, Meta Description, Tag, and Focus Keyword, that you want to generate using the plugin. This customization feature allows you to fine-tune the optimization process according to your preferences and requirements.

Additionally, you have the option to override or leave the existing Meta Tags unchanged. You can also specify the number of Meta Tags you want for each Post Type. Enable CRON to schedule SEO optimization at your preferred runtime. In the “Choose Translation Language” section, you can select the language in which you want to generate SEO meta.

Step 3: Optimizing Individual Post Types:

When creating or editing a blog post, page, or product, you will find a section titled “WP Auto SEO”. These options include meta title, meta description, focus keyword, and tag. Generate meta information by clicking “Generate All with AI” or the corresponding button.

Step 4: Monitoring and Analyzing Log:

The WP Auto SEO User Log records plugin activities, showing the last 100 log records. It includes details like post type and ID for SEO updates, timestamp, success/failure status, and manual or CRON execution. By using the User Log, you can monitor and analyze WP Auto SEO’s SEO updates, gaining insights into post types, execution times, and optimization outcomes.


WP Auto SEO empowers website owners and bloggers with a user-friendly solution to enhance SEO optimization. By following the step-by-step guide outlined above, you can harness the power of this plugin to improve your website’s visibility, attract organic traffic, and boost search engine rankings.

If your desired SEO plugin is not currently integrated with WP Auto SEO, you can reach out to our Live Chat Support or WhatsApp Support for assistance. We will add it for you to use WP Auto SEO seamlessly with your preferred SEO plugin.

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